Author Archives: Richard

Sometimes we run… Part 3: Styles that can sabotage your progress in achieving your goals

As has been explored in the previous articles (Part 1 and Part 2), there may be various possible dynamics at play in our relationships with our goals. “Sometimes We Run…” is a metaphor that illustrates some of the ways we … Continue reading

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Have Goals? Start the New Year with a Promise to Yourself!

Making New Year’s resolutions before the year begins is extremely common.  Still, it is important because it defines your intentions to better your life.  Unfortunately the breaking of these resolutions, or forgetting them by March also happens frequently.  Resolutions that … Continue reading

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Life Transitions, Your Mission Interrupted?

Stop. Pause. Press play. As humans, we all have an innate growth drive. It points us toward being better, moving forward and driving toward something higher. Basically, it’s something inside ourselves that drives us all to want to be the … Continue reading

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Remembering Rosemary: Her words, wisdom, and insights

I have been thinking about Rosemary (Rosemary Sigwalt Liotta) a lot lately.  Perhaps because it is the holiday season, which she always loved.  Perhaps because I am reviewing the projects we shared.  Likely it is both and more, because she … Continue reading

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Abundance, as all great things starts in your heart…

Abundance starts in your heart, mind, and soul.  Abundance is fundamentally a feeling, an attitude, and a way of being in the context of your life. When it is present for you, your satisfaction with just being is alive and … Continue reading

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Diamond Days – video

Diamond Days are those days in your life that are especially precious and that remind you of the value of life and the joy of experiencing it fully. Diamond Days take many forms, they can happen in any aspect of … Continue reading

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Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude: Read Rich’s Essay Precious Moments in this New Book

The holiday season is a good time to pause and reflect on the many people, things, and circumstances we all have to be grateful for. The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude aims to encourage readers to do … Continue reading

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Words Save Lives: Story By Rosemary in a New Book

Rosemary contributed a wonderful story to the new book: Sweet Fruit from the Bitter Tree: 61 Stories of Creative & Compassionate Ways out of Conflict by Mark Andreas! Rosemary’s story from the book was featured on Steve Andreas’ Blog. About … Continue reading

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Change is Life’s Journey (Part 1)

Change is something all of us need to deal with now and then. Yet change is also uncomfortable and scary; indeed “change” is a dirty word for many! In the world as is, change and challenge is a day to … Continue reading

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Appreciating and Doing: Keys to Attracting Abundance

If you experience life appreciating all you see, hear, and feel; AND take action more abundance will come. The combination is the key that creates the energy that brings positive things to you! In this short clip Dr. Rich Liotta … Continue reading

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