Tag Archives: resolutions

Want to Succeed? Then take the 7 Steps to Greater Authenticity!

Want to Succeed? Then take the 7 Steps to Greater Authenticity! By: Rich Liotta, Ph.D. Sometimes goals and resolutions are empty and disembodied from our spirit and soul. No wonder they fail! Often they are not authentic; they are not … Continue reading

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New Year’s Resolutions vs. Re-solutioning for 2010

As we enter a New Year it is customary and valuable to reflect on where you have been and on where you are going. It is time consider what you want improved in your life, what you want to be … Continue reading

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New Year’s Resolutions vs. Re-solutioning

By: Rich Liotta, Ph.D. With the New Year just arriving I was considering the word “resolution” and how some of the psychological implications of this word may not be helpful. “Re-solutioning” is perhaps a more effective term to direct you … Continue reading

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