Tag Archives: self-discovery

Spring? Are You Suffering From Bear Confusion Syndrome?

Bear Confusion Syndrome is a human experience.  It happens during the transition from winter to spring.  This strange phenomenon occurs with many people – and this year with many more.  This year the relentless winter of snow and cold and … Continue reading

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Toward Self-Acceptance 1: Accepting Your Dark Side

Self-acceptance is fundamental to any healing or change we want to make in our lives. Nothing takes our energy, spirit, and authenticity away more than a lack of self-acceptance.  If you want success and abundance, self-acceptance is critical. In this … Continue reading

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Spontaneous & Latent Wisdom: What you know that you don’t know you know

Each of us has wisdom that is unconscious.  Some of this wisdom may be innate or learning we have forgotten. We have knowledge that we can use, and sometimes do, but it is not with conscious contemplation or thought. Spontaneous … Continue reading

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Transitions: Help to Make it Through

Transitions represent a natural and inevitable part of life’s journey. They can, however, halt our lives, disrupt our plans and cause us to completely switch course. Transitions can be untimely, frustrating, and absolutely terrifying. Often we want to deny what … Continue reading

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Seeking an Abundant Mindset? The Downside of Automatic Processes

Automatic processes represent our mind’s ability to react unconsciously, quickly, and without thought. They include our ability to do many things on auto-pilot with little cognitive effort.  We do this all the time, all day, every day. Our brain’s automatic processes … Continue reading

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Diamond Days – video

Diamond Days are those days in your life that are especially precious and that remind you of the value of life and the joy of experiencing it fully. Diamond Days take many forms, they can happen in any aspect of … Continue reading

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Change is Life’s Journey (Part 1)

Change is something all of us need to deal with now and then. Yet change is also uncomfortable and scary; indeed “change” is a dirty word for many! In the world as is, change and challenge is a day to … Continue reading

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How to Use Enrichment Meditations – Video

This video discusses How to Use Enrichment Meditations for Your Growth, Healing, and Transformation. The Enrichment Meditations themselves are also posted on this blog.  

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Enriching Abundance: An Enrichment meditation

This was previously only available on the Enrichment Meditation I DVD, but I decided it should be shared for all to see. This is one my favorites of those I have produced so far. Enjoy the photography and the message! … Continue reading

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Want to Succeed? Then take the 7 Steps to Greater Authenticity!

Want to Succeed? Then take the 7 Steps to Greater Authenticity! By: Rich Liotta, Ph.D. Sometimes goals and resolutions are empty and disembodied from our spirit and soul. No wonder they fail! Often they are not authentic; they are not … Continue reading

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