You may find the following links useful and informative. They fall under several different categories depending on your area of interests.
My other web sites:
Pathfinder Psychological Services is Dr. Liotta’s site about the therapy and psychological services he provides.
The Enrichment Associates Consultation & Training site focus more on my training activities and related topics of interest.:
Rich Liotta’s Photography Website at Artspan: Rich Liotta Photography
The primary Neuro-Semantics site, highly recommended for useful content and information. It contains articles about various topics including self-actualization, how NS adds to NLP, and many other topics:
A web site (2011) was launched for the Institute of Neuro-Semantics U.S.A. Dr. Liotta is a founding member and contributor to the site: Neurosemantics U.S.A
NLP, Recommended sites & people:
NLP Research & Recognition Project: A not for profit organization working toward getting quality research done to support the field on NLP.
Institute for Advanced Studies of Health: They provide conferences and have been a leader in in the NLP field,
Steve Andreas Blog: Steve continues to develop new ideas in NLP and actively supports continuing education for NLP providers. Steve Andreas Blog.
Dr. Rick Gray’s site has some great information, videos, and mp3’s. He is active research and scholarly of NLP. Gray Matters.
Nick Kemp has many resources and information on his site:
Andrew Austin has much to offer in the field. He is another leader in the field. or
Andrew Austin also has a page of links which will lead you to much NLP information and more NLP people: 23nlpeople-links-page.
John Overdurf has a lot to offer and some state-of-the art ideas:
Dilts & Delozier’s NLP Encyclopedia is a superb resource regarding NLP.NLP Encyclopedia online.
Some research resources regarding NLP. research resources at (European Association for Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy, homepage))
More information regarding research at Inspiritive. And here is another database: NLP.DE
National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists:
American Hypnosis Training Academy, provides wonderful training in hypnosis and NLP:
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation:
Another useful discussion of hypnosis:
Professional organizations & Miscellaneous Resources/information:
American Psychological Association:
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):