Tag Archives: psychology

Spontaneous & Latent Wisdom: What you know that you don’t know you know

Each of us has wisdom that is unconscious.  Some of this wisdom may be innate or learning we have forgotten. We have knowledge that we can use, and sometimes do, but it is not with conscious contemplation or thought. Spontaneous … Continue reading

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Transitions: Help to Make it Through

Transitions represent a natural and inevitable part of life’s journey. They can, however, halt our lives, disrupt our plans and cause us to completely switch course. Transitions can be untimely, frustrating, and absolutely terrifying. Often we want to deny what … Continue reading

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Musings #1: Bear Confusion Syndrome

By: Rich Liotta It is at this time of year that a strange phenomenon occurs with many people I know here in the Adirondacks.  One day in early spring awareness changes and everything feels different. This can be a disconcerting … Continue reading

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