Tag Archives: change

Spring? Are You Suffering From Bear Confusion Syndrome?

Bear Confusion Syndrome is a human experience.  It happens during the transition from winter to spring.  This strange phenomenon occurs with many people – and this year with many more.  This year the relentless winter of snow and cold and … Continue reading

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Transitions: Help to Make it Through

Transitions represent a natural and inevitable part of life’s journey. They can, however, halt our lives, disrupt our plans and cause us to completely switch course. Transitions can be untimely, frustrating, and absolutely terrifying. Often we want to deny what … Continue reading

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Seeking an Abundant Mindset? The Downside of Automatic Processes

Automatic processes represent our mind’s ability to react unconsciously, quickly, and without thought. They include our ability to do many things on auto-pilot with little cognitive effort.  We do this all the time, all day, every day. Our brain’s automatic processes … Continue reading

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Have Goals? Start the New Year with a Promise to Yourself!

Making New Year’s resolutions before the year begins is extremely common.  Still, it is important because it defines your intentions to better your life.  Unfortunately the breaking of these resolutions, or forgetting them by March also happens frequently.  Resolutions that … Continue reading

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Change is Life’s Journey (Part 1)

Change is something all of us need to deal with now and then. Yet change is also uncomfortable and scary; indeed “change” is a dirty word for many! In the world as is, change and challenge is a day to … Continue reading

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