Abundance, as all great things starts in your heart…

Abundance starts in your heart, mind, and soul.  Abundance is fundamentally a feeling, an attitude, and a way of being in the context of your life. aaAbundance-1_3365When it is present for you, your satisfaction with just being is alive and well.  But also your drive toward more spiritual adventure is also awakened; awakening possibilities for actions to take in this world.  Actions that will be encouraged by your heart felt sense of desire.  Actions aligned with your thoughts and your wisdom.  Actions that resonate with your soul and essence. From this base of abundance you are ready for even more transformation; even greater things from your heart, from your mind, and for your soul. Stay tuned to changepathsblog for more.  The blog has been on “pause” for while, see article that will be posted soon on that.  My wish for you is that you make the changes you want, find abundance, and transform your life into the magnificent life you can have! ~Rich Liotta, Ph.D

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